20 signs that your not ready for a relationship (a must read if you struggle with getting into a happy relationship)

If you have read my blog post about my frustration with being autistic and trying to have deep relationships with people…
my 2018 accomplishments and 2019 New year resolutions
With it being the New Year, it is now time for my 2019 New Year resolutions and 2018 accomplishments. First for my 2018 accomplishments. One thing that I am glad to say is that even though my website still didn’t bring in much money in 2018, I brought in more money than it did in […]
The mavis wanczyk scam and what I would do if I won 5 million dollars

About a year ago a person named mavis wanczyk won the biggest single lottery winning in u.s. history…
A. E. A. celebrating 5 years

A little over 5 years ago on september 6th 2013 my booth went up for the first time at the griffith central market…
The Broad Street Blues Fest, a dream that I didn’t think would come true

Not only am I good a photography and art, but I am also good at guitar and piano. My favorite kind of music is blues…