With it being the New Year, it is now time for my 2022 New Year resolutions and 2021 accomplishments. After a hard 2020, 2021 was definitely a better year for me. First I must talk about my 2021 accomplishments
2021 accomplishments
After the past few years not being all that great for accomplishments, 2021 was definitely better year for accomplishments. First was my moped. For the past few years I had wanted a moped that I didn’t need a license for so I can get more practice with driving, so I can eventually get my drivers license. Thanks to getting a stimulus check, I was able to get one. Next was getting a job. Another thing I had been wanting for the past few years is a job. Getting a job is definitely something that my autism had made harder. Thanks to Tradewinds, I got a job at goodwill and it is going good. I has definitely been nice to be able to ride my moped there. Next was my float in the Griffith 4th of July parade. It was my 1st year of my moped pulled float. The first 3 years of doing the float, I rented a trailer from uhaul and had it pulled with my moms truck. While the floats looked good, it was very stressful for me and my family, due to the limited time to pick up the trailer and get it decorated. The 4th year i decided to try a bike pulled float, but I made my float too tall and skinny so it kept falling over. The 5th year I made it shorter and wider and it made it through the parade without falling over, but pulling it with my bike was a bit difficult. This year after getting the moped, I decided do a moped pulled float and that went good and had no problems. Last was getting a girlfriend. Being definitely makes getting a girlfriend hard. Unfortunately we ended up breaking up before the end of the the year, but I believe that when it comes to love, god sends us the wrong people before sending the right person to teach you things that we need to know before meeting the right person. Our relationship definitely taught me some good stuff for me to know. What it is will be something for me talk about in another post.
2022 resolutions
Now it is time for my 2022 new year resolutions. First after getting my moped in 2021 and doing good with driving it, it would be nice if 2022 could be the year that I finally get my drivers license. Next is my business. 2021 brought the 8 year anniversary of my business. After 8 years of running my business, I have come to the conclusion that I want get my business off of the ground and potentially even making me a living, then me trying to find a way to get my prints or products such my mugs or cards to sell like crazy isn’t the answer. With as nice as it would be to be able to live a life where I can go beautiful places and take pictures and then make a living by selling prints, mugs, and cards, that just isn’t very realistic. Getting a lot of prints sold is just hard to do. Instead what would be a lot more profitable for my business would be to get a balloon arch and photo booth service going. I would like 2022 to be the year that I make that happen. Also it would be nice if 2022 could be the year that I meet my future wife.

© James Leslie – Autistic Eye Art-The world through at autistic eye.
website: autisticeyeart.com
business Facebook: www.facebook.com/AutisticEye
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